Cut your cloud costs by 50%.

Code Story Podcast
2 min readOct 12, 2021


This message is sponsored by CAST AI.

According to some studies out there, 30–40% of cloud budgets are wasted. Managing your cloud bill is a tough task, where visibility is difficult to obtain, and the more complex your infrastructure becomes, the harder it is to stay on top of the cost.

That’s where CAST AI comes in.

CAST AI brings automated cloud optimization to the world of Kubernetes. It’s the one platform that cuts your cloud bill in half, automates DevOps tasks, and guarantees business continuity by preventing downtime.

Optimize Cloud

Cut your expenses by automating instance selection and rightsizing, bin packing pods, and use of spot instances with automatic interruption handling.

  • Use spot instances that offer 70–90% discounts
  • Get the most cost-effective instance types
  • Generate detailed cost reports to forecast expenses

Automate DevOps

Focus on the high-level challenges and leave the repetitive details like VMs, networks, and storage to us. Automate with Terraform, work in CLI or via the API.

Achieve Business Continuity

CAST AI builds an active-active infrastructure spanning multiple clouds or regions. Guarantee business continuity and keep your reputation without the cost increase.

Trusted by the Biggest Names

Perfect for companies large and small. CAST AI doesn’t require additional engineers to do the work. You start saving as soon as you turn it on.

Get Started NOW

So what are you waiting for? With a no downside proposition, CAST AI is a winner for your cloud infrastructure. Book a demo, and get started cutting your bill in half today.



Code Story Podcast

Hosted by Noah Labhart, Code Story is a podcast featuring tech leaders, reflecting on their human story creating world changing, disruptive digital products.